Are your technicians your greatest assets, your worst liabilities, or somewhere in-between?
As a business owner, manager, or supervisor this question may generate thoughts of uncertainty. You are well aware that good technicians are hard to come by. You also know they take time to develop and can be tough to keep (the same can be said of your clients). So what happens when one of your technicians fail to meet expectations technically, mechanically, procedurally, or personally? If you are like so many other HVAC companies out there, you will spend valuable resources this year–time, money, and your best personnel–in an effort to correct such issues. Yet you are busy, there is work to be done, and as a matter of speech, “you go to war with the army you have.” So how might one go about developing the technician army they wish they had–reducing stress, improving profits, and making better use of time? Similar to your other interests, strong ROI requires smart (technician) investing. This is where Complete HVAC Tech, comes in. We provide beneficial guidance and practical training to businesses such as yours with a focus on what works.
If you wish to take control of your situation, transform your team of technicians into an asset army, and enjoy the countless benefits created through smart technician investing (or have any questions), please contact me, Keith Artley, at: or by clicking the subscribe button below.